Sunday, May 29, 2022

Please Don't Say "Happy Memorial Day"

Because THIS is what Memorial Day is really about:

Thursday, May 26, 2022

OK, That Made Me Smile For The First Time In Days

Pulled into the Walmart parking lot today and parked next to... a Tesla.  With a "Friends of Coal" license plate.

I'm pretty sure I know who that belongs to, and he gets it.  Tells people he drives a coal powered car. Looked around for him but could have been his wife and I wouldn't recognize her.  But he's a great guy.  And he gets it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

I Really Don't See What Folks Like AOC Are Upset About

 If the kids slaughtered in Texas had been slaughtered 1 week short of birth they would have been fine with it. 

And if that offends anybody, too bad.  Because it's true.  The difference between an abortuary and Ulvade is that people have to look the Ulvade victims in the face.  In an abortuary the victims just go into a trash can. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022


Found out this morning that 2 of our St. Simon of Cyrene Trucking Ministry trucks have had things like catalytic converters stolen out of them and the third has been vandalized.  We use these trucks to deliver fresh produce and household goods like toilet paper to food pantries throughout WV as well as parts of VA, MD, and PA.  

We also are the only charity in the county that picks up and delivers large furniture and appliances to needy folks.

If it was just theft, I would think it was just that.  But the vandalization of the third makes me wonder if the pro-aborts (and since the one who dies has no choice, there's no such thing as pro-choice in abortion and I will not use the term), knowing that they would be quickly bundled out the doors and into the arms of local police if they interrupted Mass, have chosen to attack us this way instead.

I also wonder if any one of the screamers currently stomping around at any time in their lives has ever done as much as we do to make sure that women really DO have a choice.  I wonder if any of them has ever been as willing to spend their time painting walls for someplace like St. Joseph's Mary's Refuge as they are to scream about the right to kill an innocent and defenseless human being.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Well, We Survived...

 ...the Winter of Death, but I guess now we will have to survive the Summer of Mostly Peaceful Protest.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Don't Get TOO Excited

Abortion will not end.  It will go back to the states, which is actually how the Constitution is supposed to work.  

Which means getting involved locally and state level.