Monday, October 24, 2022

Silly Bear. Er, Dog.

I also have cats.  So years ago, after the second doggy door was knocked out of the door between the TV room/library and the laundry room, I had a pass-through put in the wall so the cat pans can be hidden in the laundry room.  

Unfortunately some dogs view litter pans as tootsie roll dispensers.  Copper is one of those dogs and has recently discovered the pass through.  I'm now keeping the pans super clean. And he's providing me with no end of entertainment.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Oh, Yeah. THAT Wasn't Suspicious.

Text from neighbor today: did I see a guy walking past the house a little while ago?  No, I was on the back side of the house.  And Copper was engrossed in a frozen soup bone and didn't bark.  Seems that she saw guy walking by the house and then turn off and go into the bushes.  She went out and asked if she could help him.  He brushed her off with a nonsensical answer, then walked on.  Shortly after, a pickup truck pulled up, the driver went into the bushes and returned with a pouch, then left.

Uhhhhh.  Yeah.  Since she wasn't expecting such a flagrant bit of drug transfer she doesn't have enough info to feel it can be reported to the Sheriff.  Now we're waiting for them to be dumb enough for a repeat so info like plate # can be snagged.

Update:  Bad guy was accidently released by the VA county next to us.  Has been seen a couple blocks down from me.  Doors are locked, guns are checked.

Update to update:  Bad guy is back in custody.