Monday, August 29, 2016


...I'll catch up.  But there's long stories... Well, OK, cats. The core story is way too many cats.  Massive stress load of cats.  Which I guess is the difference between a foster and a true crazy cat lady.  I love them but they have to go - I'm very clear on that. Working on it with the local Animal Welfare Society.  Four have gone to new homes.  But I wasn't able to catch the feral mother.   So...

Three more in my garage.  Note to self - Find that daggone "Cat Maternity Ward" sign and take it down.  Realized they were in there with their trap-wary mother and real quick put the garage door down. And feral momma then abandoned kittens and refused to have anything to do with them.  So 4 week old kittens are in spare bedroom, pooping and peeing everywhere, walking through their food, and desperately needing cuddled. Their mother is still trapped in the garage.  This week's project is to try to get her into a cage and into a cleaner environment until her spay appointment in Sept. Seven of the original kittens are still awaiting homes.  They get their last distemper booster and chipped on Thursday.

Did I mention the infestation of chemical resistant fleas?

Did I mention Reunion time and my chief cook and bottle washer duties?  Did I mention that I'm having a steady stream of company?  Did I mention that even though I should know better after 35 years in the government that I touched some major things at church and now they're mine?

Did I mention that I'm contemplating a nice, quiet little breakdown...?


  1. Once when I missed a dose of flea medicine on Barkley and had a bunch of fleas at the crash pad, putting him outside, then dusting everyone in the house with baking soda and vacuuming got rid of most of them.

  2. My dad had a saying for when he was getting worn down and I still use it: "No rest for the wicked and the righteous don't need it!"
    ...Or the old saying; How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Hang in there, my friend!

  3. I like both cats and dogs, but prefer cats because they are of their own mind (and less high maintenance).
    Had a run in with fleas years ago.
    I don't envy you your task!
    (spray, baths, collars, cutting foam collars into pieces to secrete in furniture. Horrible!)
    Good Luck!


  4. Thoughts and prayers... sigh... Sounds like you are going to need them to get through this!

  5. Thoughts and prayers... sigh... Sounds like you are going to need them to get through this!

  6. If nothing else, you're fun to watch. But it WILL get better. Hang in there.

  7. I am praying for you.
    Hang in there. :-)
