... is the mentally ill child of a "study" done by a pervert who presented his failed experiment as a success.
Yeah, I've been gone a while, so this will probably not get much in hits, but I'm JUST SO TIRED of this. Most people had a "live and let live" attitude. But then we were pressured to accept disordered attitudes as "normal". Even if it violated our religious beliefs. Those we had left alone refused to leave US alone. And no, we don't hate anyone. We just believe that sex and marriage have specific definitions and places in society and the ignoring of those has not done society any favors. And, believe me, I'm not the least bit afraid of those prancing, badly made up, mentally ill chanters who were out last weekend. "Phobic" is very much misused.

But over the last couple years a mental illness has descended on the US, if not the world. And the masks are coming off. Whether "gay" or "trans" they can't reproduce, and they've finally admitted that the only way they can keep their numbers up is to indoctrinate children and their parents. Some places - Minnesota comes to mind - want to make pedophiles a protected class and are trying to conceal what they are by changing the name used for them. As if "minor attracted person" is not still someone who is an incurable danger to children.
Which was pretty much what we predicted, same as we predicted and proved right when we said that "safe and rare" abortion was a lie that would evolve into a form of birth control that would be demanded up until birth.
But back to the origin of the "trans" lie. Once upon a time twin boys were born. Circumcision went horribly wrong for one, Bruce. Taken to a Johns Hopkins specialist named John Money, the parents were told to completely castrate the injured twin and raise him as a girl, never telling him that he was really a boy. And to bring both twins back regularly for examinations. Trusting Money, they regularly left the boys alone with him until the boys grew old enough to refuse to go. Turned out Money had been requiring them to get naked and simulate sex acts, including intercourse, for his "study." Bruce, raised as a girl and given hormones, never accepted that he was female and retained male characteristics even though he didn't find out the truth until he was 15. Eventually, he changed his name to David, married, and adopted children. Unfortunately, his twin died of an overdose, and David eventually committed suicide, both victims of the perversion of a so-called researcher.
But the story doesn't end there. Money published his "study", touting it as a successful study that proved that gender can be reassigned when in reality Bruce/David totally disproved that. And the gates of hell were happily opened - people have accepted the lie. They "follow the science." But it's really a destructive non-science.
More detail can be found here.
And I wish people would stop referring to the likes of Lea Thomas and Dylan Mulvaney as "she". Their delusions have not changed anything. If they were born a he, they are still a he and people should not feed into their delusions and manipulations.