Saturday, September 8, 2018

Guardedly Optimistic

Second round of chemo was Tuesday.  Thursday and Friday (I seem to get a day's grace period before it kicks in) I was extremely weak, but the stomach problems backed off before they could really fire up, and I haven't felt sick.  Today my legs were weak but I was able to get out and putter about.  I walk like Granny Clampett sometimes and I can't trust my legs - yesterday they just ceased to be useful and dropped me to the ground at one point - but even that is better tonight.  By this time the last cycle I was just down and miserable.

I even still have an appetite.  Everything tastes like that nasty salt substitute they tried to get people to switch to, but I'm still getting hungry.  Last time the appetite left for a 2 week vacation.

I've read that some people's bodies can adjust to chemo rather than it being an accumulative misery.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but today was a very good day for this point in the let's-poison-you-every-3-weeks cycle.


  1. I'm glad to hear you're acclimating to the regimen. It sure beats the alternative.

    1. It ABSOLUTELY beats the alternative. I try to keep reminding myself when I feel bad that 100 years ago I'd just be preparing to die. And I thank God for modern medicine.

  2. We're keeping you in our prayers. I watched my mother go through chemo, not once, but twice and it's not a good journey.

    1. Thanks so much. Today not quite as good as yesterday but I headed something off at the pass this time and tomorrow should be better.

  3. Keep with the program, we all pray for you. Positive thinking really does make a difference. I am a prostate surgery survivor, keep thinking ahead....
