Saturday, March 20, 2021

Just Wondering

If Fauci is so afraid of Wu Flu that he believes we should mask up after vaccination, why isn't he down at the border screaming his head off over the free flow of carriers into the US?


  1. IF the "pandemic" were actually a medical emergency, there would be clear-cut standards for all to follow. Not just every single business that stays open gets to make it up as they go. One requires a procedure mask, the next a neck gaiter, another a plastic face shield, and yet another, a cloth mask. Curb service only, or come-in-and-pay-for-it/we'll-hand-your-item-to-you, or come on in because we're all fine. And since we're on the subject, isn't it handy that virus molecules are so polite that they won't jump off while you're seated ... but if you're walking, we're all gonna die!!

  2. Because that would affect his paycheck...

    1. That $417,000 a year plus all the media appearances he wants must make for a comfy life.
