Friday, January 18, 2013

From The "How Has The Human Race Survived?" Files

Probably could also be titled "It Seemed Like a Good Idea At The Time" or "Oops!"


  1. Replies
    1. I watched several of the videos - there are certain chronic skateboard accidents that may slow up the breeding.

  2. "How has the human race survived?"

    Purely by the grace of God, ma'am.

    1. I know it's said that God watches out for drunks and fools but young males seem to need particular care...

  3. Back in the day...cave man days, we had this thing called "natural selection" which quickly weeded the "hold ma beer, and watch this" part of the demographic out of the gene pool.
    Now we have modern medicine which keeps them alive.
    There is an upside though. I find that stuff very amusing to watch.

    1. Oh yeah. Things like riding a surf board on top of a car. And while I can feel some sympathy when there is an equipment fail, things like gymnastics on the edge of a cliff still suggest a lack of thinking through the possibilities.
