Thursday, July 25, 2013

Admit It

Emily Miller's new book Emily Gets Her Gun:... But Obama Wants to Take Yours will be out on Sept. 2.  Admit it - the guys reading this will buy it just for the cover:


  1. No, the cover is irrelevant. I will buy it strictly on account of the intellectual value of its contents.

    [And I also read Playboy Magazine on account of the incisive interviews and reviews.].

  2. Fortunately, I'm getting to the age where the picture of Ms. Miller isn't the first thing I noticed.

    And the check's in the mail. :)

  3. Heh. Is it bad that I noticed her finger off the trigger before I noticed there was no ring on her left hand?

  4. Did you send in a picture with your carbine? :-)

  5. We really need to get her to one of our shoots!

  6. I'm just so very happy the gun was not pink. :-)

    1. Oh, yes. I HATE pink guns! Although the Hello Kitty ones flat out creep me out.

  7. I have nominated you for The Most Influential Blogger Award.

    There is no voting for this award, just a nod from a friend or maybe someone you don’t even know who thinks your work bears merit.
    The rules

    1. Display the award logo on your blog.

    2. Link back to the person who nominated you

    3. Answer 7 questions

    .4. Nominate ( no limit of nominations ) other bloggers for this award and link back to them.

    5. Notify those bloggers of the award requirements.
    Your seven questions

    1.Would you replace Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court John Roberts if given the opportunity, and if so why and replace with whom?

    2. What is your favorite firearm.

    3.What is your favorite movie?

    4. If you could visit one nation you have never visited before, what nation would that be?
    5. If you could have a home by the sea or the mountains, what would you choose?

    6.What decade do you like the best? (40′s, 50′s, etc)
    7.Your favorite president and why?
