Wednesday, February 3, 2016

This Is A Kneecap...

This is what I did to my kneecap Sunday before last.

I finally got around to going to the doctor today because I was tired of the healing seeming to be stalled and was thinking maybe just powering through wasn't the best approach.  Or maybe they'd have some suggestions as to how to help it along.  They did - stop walking/driving on it.  The doctor and x-ray tech were amazed that I was able to walk on it to start with. 

Guess that answers whether or not I'm going back to the range on Friday.  But at least I have an excuse not to clean house.


  1. Oh no! Maybe practice shooting from a prone position?

    1. I need to remember to bring my dummy rounds up from downstairs and practice dry firing and other non-bang things.

  2. Boo! I hope you get back on your feet soon!

  3. Ouch! Here's to a quick mend then back to the range.

    1. Thanks. At least it's the least outdoor-friendly month of the year.

  4. Replies
    1. That's kinda what I said when I could breathe after I hit. There was shaking of doctor and x-ray tech heads.

  5. Replies
    1. Will do. Been investigating nutrition helps to bone healing.

  6. Take care of yourself

  7. Like we used to put on our EMS run sheets back in my ambulance days: LOLFD. (Little Old Lady Fall Down)

    Of course doctors had senses of humor back then.

    Stay OFF it and call when you need stuff.

  8. Ouch, sorry to hear that, and yes you're damn stubborn if you were walking around on that!!! Get well soon!

    1. Working on it. But at least I proved that I may be the one that walks out of the jungle after a plane crash...
