Wednesday, February 28, 2018

So. Just a Thought.

If you asked someone to give a detailed history of the geology of wherever you are, most people would have the honesty to say "I don't know" because most people don't study the details of geology.

But the same people, with the same level of knowledge of guns as they have of geology, will lecture you all day long about guns.


  1. Very astute.
    Stealing this.


  2. True! :-) Not that I've ever seen ANY of our friends do that...LOL

  3. Geology generally doesn't incite an emotional response, with exception to hitting that pothole that's as deep as your car wheel. The lectures are based on idealistic feelings that would require a superhero riding a unicorn to enforce.

  4. Rev, David, NFO, Excelling - I picked geology as an example because that's my degree. But the geology under my feet at my house is really a mish mash and I have to look things up before I answer a question about it. But people who have no knowledge whatsoever about guns are more than happy to lecture us about the "gun show loophole", "assault rifles", bump stocks, ARs, whatever, without having enough intellectual honesty to say they dont have knowledge about the subject. And their ignorance shows.

  5. I had one of those conversations this morning with a co-worker. She was raving about the evil NRA. I told her that was just stupid...first out of 300+million folks in the US, the NRA only has 4-5 million members and second...NOT ONE of those members had EVER shot up a school, or a movie theater, or anything other than an gun range...where shooting is allowed and encouraged. Told her I was getting pretty tired of hearing the NRA get blamed for stuff it or it's members never did. Ever. Really didn't seem fair or just to me. And I'm not even a member.
    She said "Well, they are just so powerful!"
    Nope, not really, they are just a handy target for everyone to throw eggs at. You do know they are not the only gun owner's organization in the country, right? Might be the oldest, but not the only one.
    She was surprised. Said so, and then changed the topic.
    Education, one small piece at a time. :)
