Sunday, July 1, 2018

And Then...

...I got an infection. I was busy trying to live life as usual, visiting family, playing with granddaughter, etc., and just wished the itching would stop. Came home. Started feeling Not Good. Then More Not Good. Then Bad. And the itching and pain was getting worse, not better. And there was inflamation. So one trip to urgent care, one shot of antibiotics in the arse, one bottle of prescription antibiotics, and orders to call surgeon in the morning later, I'm beginning to feel better. Frustrated as hell because I want to be on the river, but better.


  1. Go see the surgeon, take the antibiotics with lots of water (helps them work faster and better without stomach irritation), and pick up some yogurt, take 1 container a day that says live cultures in it, helps buff up the immune system, which yours has probably been knocked flat from the multiple surgeries plus the stress of everything that is going on. The protein in it will help heal up the wounds faster also.

    And know that we are here pulling for you!! Keep us updated as you feel able.

    1. :-) I make my own yogurt and eat it nearly every day, usually mixed with oatmeal and a variety of fruits. My yogurt maker has paid for itself many times over! And I missed it while I was traveling.

  2. Sorry things weren't going your way, PH, but glad to hear it's improving. Prayers being offered on your behalf.

    1. Thanks, Rev. Despite the difficulties, I am so grateful for modern medicine. Not so long ago I would have simply been dying. Now things are a pain in the patoot, but there's an excellent chance that I'll still be annoying liberals 20 years from now.
