Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Dante Was Wrong

There are 10 circles of hell, not nine, and the 10th circle is full of chemo patients.


  1. Last one though, my friend. You will beat this!

  2. Rev. and ML - Thanks. Better today. I think I've finally turned the corner. They've been getting progressively worse and this last one hammered me into the ground.

  3. Only way is up. I don't know about that Nietzsche thing... about making you stronger, but you have made it this far. Maybe it's true.
    Best of luck.

    1. Thanks, Mike. Hopefully it's literally true in this case - this is the last time for a major attempt at poisoning me.

  4. Yes, it will kick your ass and knock your socks off! However, it does get better as it is also kicking the ass on all those terrible horrible no-good cancer cells...which is the main idea. Rest, relax, take extra special good care of yourself!!
    And think positive...it does help...I promise.
    Continuing to send prayers and good thoughts your way!!

    1. Thanks, Suz. I feel better in the mornings and then slide back to feeling sick but it's easier to stand and walk now. Trying to overcome the food revulsion and eat fresh, healthy food no matter how it tastes in hopes of giving my cells more rebuilding tools.
