Thursday, January 17, 2019

Dear Gillette

And all the other "toxic masculinity" idiots.  You wouldn't have been able to live your ignorant little lives or build your arrogant little companies without huge injections of that masculinity. Masculine men built this country and saved others when you and your whining buddies would have pissed yourselves and died.

H/t Potomac cynic


  1. Maybe Procter and Gamble (the owners of Gillette nowadays) are trying to lower the stock so they can buy more? What other reason would there be to tick off the vast majority of your customer base? As even women (who shave legs and pits) are saying they are pitching their Gillette equipment as they have men (real men) in their lives who they respect and love.
    I personally don't want to be lectured by manufacturers of products I buy, so I am perfectly capable of voting with my dollars as well as my feet. Be interesting to see what happens with this company.

    1. The propensity for political lectures by certain performers is at least saving me money by ending my desire to buy tickets to their shows.
