Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Blogger Beef

Does Blogger always randomly take away your backgrounds/wallpaper?  I was quite happy with what I had and then a couple days ago it just wasn't there.  Grumble.


  1. Yes, it's happening a lot lately. They do this after they scan your blog for "wrong think"

    One blogger I follow just had his entire blog yanked down for several hours for mentioning the Muzloids and a photo of Bacon in the same blog. It was apparently being censored and was later "approved" and reinstated.

  2. Yeah, there are some weird things going on... sigh

  3. I've been trying wordpress, but as an old guy I'm not really interested in new tricks. It seems cluncky and is very different. I'm wringing my hands. What to do, what to do!

  4. There is an apparent cure, which is to pay the $10 for annual registration & "own" your domain. I did that a couple years ago, and they haven't messed with my blog ... yet.

  5. What Rev. Paul said. You get what you pay for.
    BLOGGER hasn't been working right for me for about three months!
