Monday, November 28, 2016

Another Day, Another...

... allahu akbar attack on US soil.  In a defence-free zone.  Anybody who didn't realize what was going on as soon as they heard that a vehical and large knife were used hasn't been paying attention.

But let's force more communities to accept "refugees" from muslim hot spots.


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Something Tells Me...

...I'm Into Something Good...

Stopped at the local Irish pub, Paddy's, for lunch today.   They had 60s music streaming.  There were a few others sitting at the bar.  And at some point we all realized we were singing along with every song played.  And we started laughing and singing louder.  If people hadn't had to go back to work there might have been dancing.  There were 3 generations and everybody knew the lyrics, everybody was having a blast.  The 30ish bar tender said that she's been trying to talk the owner into bringing a 60s dj in on Friday nights.  I'd be there.