Thursday, January 2, 2014


So, I've crossed into week 3 now of the Bug That Cannot be Shaken.  At one point during Mass yesterday morning I had chills and so much joint pain that I thought I was going to have to either leave or lay down on the pew.  Either one of which would have required me to send an e-mail to Father Escalante explaining why I did that in the middle of his homily.  I give it until Monday, then I guess I better go see if maybe I've got walking pneumonia or an infection somewhere.

Multiple doses of acetaminophen and an afternoon spent on the couch with a book, and then I look over to see Blu sliding into another seizure.

He's been doing so well, back to driving me crazy with pestering and mischief.  His fur even looks better.  I thought we had everything under control.


  1. Three weeks is long enough. Waiting until Monday makes no sense at this point. Go see doctor. Take Blu with you.Cite new Obamacare reg that says that doctors must treat pets now, too. Challenge them to prove it's actually not in the bill if they object. Since no one knows what's really in it...

  2. ML's right, at least about seeing a doctor for yourself. The bit about Blu is funny, if not practical.

    Get better/feel better soon!

  3. PH, shoot me an email if you don't mind. We may have a mutual priest friend. david (at) virginiabeer (dot) org

  4. ML, Rev, Keads - Can't get an appt until next week. Resolved to simply to the walk-in clinic if it starts again. Also resolved to give up my cough for Lent.

  5. David - Funny - same name, one Philippine, one Nicaraguan, within 20 miles of each other.

  6. PH--There's an urgent care over by FoodLion. No appointments needed. Need a ride?
