Thursday, May 3, 2018


It is cancer. I've already got an appointment with a surgeon. This is going to seriously screw with the first part of kayak season.


  1. May that attitude, and God's grace, see you quickly through this particular thing, and carry you forward.

    1. Thanks, Rev. The thing that really is upsetting me right now - the kittens are going to have to go to the shelter before they should. But I can't have cat litter everywhere when surgery is involved.

  2. Let us know if you need anything

    1. Thanks, Sean. Fortunately I've convinced my daughter that I have to shift everything to where she is. I'm pretty sure that not being on the mountain would be detrimental to my recovery. I at least need to be able to sit on my deck.

  3. Mental well-being is a very necessary part of physical well-being with cancer treatments ... Sitting on your deck will be a necessity - a place where you can be at peace with yourself (but still feel like xxxx. Don't let them kid you.)

    Over a decade now and all's well. I'm convinced the "where" I was helped the healing.

    All our prayers.


    1. Thanks. Don't get me wrong - the kids have a nice house off Lake St. Clare. But it's a suburb (read - city). They can't open the windows because all the screens are gone and it's a 1950s house so the screens aren't standard and would cost a fortune to replace. I have bright rooms that I call my flowers and decks overlooking the woods and the Shenandoah Valley. I need that. I'm not sure I can survive in the 'burbs.

    2. I grew up in one of those 1950s St C S homes (when it was new - where does the time go?!). I'm with you ... being on the mountain - any mountain - is much better for mental and physical health.

    3. Thanks. I've actually looked at prices, etc., up there in case I went crazy and decided to move. But those little 1000 sq ft houses with their low ceilings are just too dark for me.

  4. Thinking about you and hoping things are going better than you feared.
