Saturday, March 13, 2021

Well, That Was Weird

I was together with a group of folks chatting and suddenly a group of uniformed men rushed up into an area near us and flopped onto their bellies, aiming their rifles ahead.  Not towards us, per se, just forward. It was like the foot soldiers weren't even aware of us.  It ran through my mind that they were Japanese and I thought "Oh, yes, it's the late 1930s."  Then I thought "They've all got Arisakas."  There was an officer standing on a nearby rise looking at us.  Then there was an officer who looked exactly like him bathing.  And suddenly I was filled with fury, and walked towards them, screaming something to the effect of "You can go f*ck yourself standing on your head and spinning! You have NO authority over ME!" All the while having the sense that doing so was a very dangerous thing.

And then Copper asked to go out for his morning pee.

On reflection, it occurs to me that the invading Japanese were stand ins for the invading statists, Biden and his administration.  Because what I was yelling was exactly what I was thinking when I heard Biden's threats.

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