Friday, August 27, 2021


I've commented before on how it's so hard to believe that the whirlwind of destruction we've seen since Inauguration Day is purely accidental.  I know there are stupid people.  I know there are inept government officials.  Not to mention avaricious and arrogant.  But this is not like a baby given a hammer and bashing things randomly.   It's as if Joe Biden has known from get go every button to punch to destroy something.  And now Afghanistan.  

From an opinion piece over at The Daily Caller:

With regard to Afghanistan, millions of Americans are watching a historic debacle unfolding in real time. They see the hasty and seemingly unfathomable withdrawal of troops by the Biden administration, while thousands of Americans and Afghan loyalists remain stranded behind enemy lines, or stacked up like cord wood at a civilian-controlled Kabul airport increasingly vulnerable to terrorist attacks — even as they learned the military-controlled Bagram Air Base was abandoned in the middle of the night. They know billions of dollars of sophisticated U.S. weaponry, including aircraft, were also left behind and seized by the Taliban. They watch in disgust while a parade of seemingly impotent administration figures, including CIA Director William Burns, plead with terrorists to extend the August 31 withdrawal deadline. And above all else, they watch America’s standing as a superpower virtually evaporate, as Joe Biden has meekly surrendered the most potent military in the world to a ragtag bunch of seventh-century goat herders.

In short, they are appalled by the almost unfathomable level of incompetence demonstrated by this president and his administration. Perhaps they should consider another scenario that elicits a troubling question: What if it’s all by design?

Read the whole piece by Arnold Ahlert at The Patriot Post.

1 comment:

  1. And destroyed our credibility world wide with EVERY partner...
