Saturday, March 15, 2014

Common Core

I've never been a math wiz.  I've had a career in a field that involves a great deal of math because calculators and computers can come up with the correct answer to problems involving annoying things like logarithms  more consistently than I can.  But I can do some basic math.  Can even do it in my head sometimes if you be quiet and let me think. 

If you asked me to divide 432 by 8 I could do it in my head and it would only take a couple steps.  But my way would be wrong even if my answer was right.  Because here is how Common Core teaches kids how to do that problem:

This was done by Dan Bongino's daughter, who, having learned to do it the easy way, is now utterly confused by being forced to do it the Common Core way.  I could see me getting a big, fat F if I had to do it this way because I can't even tell what "this way" is.


  1. Somebody went to a LOT of trouble to figure out the most confusing way to do that.

  2. I hated long division in school. Much prefer using a calculator. But, in a pinch, I can (and have) used long division in the real world. This crap gives me a migraine just thinking about it.

  3. @Stephen, NFO, Rev, Alien - I'm not sure even a calculator would help make this make sense. Somebody said they were told that it was to help the students have a relationship with numbers. The only relationship I want is with a correct answer.

  4. I am glad we homeschool

  5. YGTBKM! I suppose it's all because the educational theorists have determined that it's terrible to make people memorize the multiplication this exercise could be done in about 2 steps.

  6. BTW, I understand what they're doing, but it's just flat out silly and extremely confusing to do it that way, unless all you know how to do is subtract repeatedly...which may be the way some old computers used to do division, if I remember some of my computational theory classes correctly. I really think it almost has to be intentional - to ruin our educational system.
