Sunday, June 20, 2021

Now It's War

 Pulled off my shin Thursday:

And from behind my knee on Friday:

Aaaand pulled a Lone Star tick off pup last night even though he's treated.

Found permithren and a spray with much higher Deet concentration at Tractor Supply.  And every sock, every pair of pants, every shirt that I wear when hiking or working in the yard is getting soaked with the permithren.

I've had Lyme Disease twice and some other tick born disease that required antibiotics before Lyme Disease popped up.  I'm done with these miserable bugs.

And then there was last night's weirdness.  Was sitting on the deck watching the fireflies come out and a bird flew over me.  And pooped on my head.  As I was in the "What the..." stage a tree simply fell down across my back yard.  Just...fell.  I'm not sure why but right now I seem to be at war with nature.


  1. It does sound like Nature is trying to push you out. Push back!

  2. Play for the draw, you aren't going to win... Just sayin...

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