And hope we don't have to pass the ammunition.
There are 3 things about the pro-abortionists that are very true: 1) They are exactly the same as the nice Germans who let 6 million Jews go to their deaths. Nice people. Next door neighbor people. Who "othered" a whole group of human beings because the campaign to do so was so well done. And that othering led to an unbelievable slaughter. 2) They think women are sluts lacking in self control. Yes, they do. They'll scream about rape and incest and the mother's life all the while knowing that those situations are a very, very tiny percentage of abortions. In reality, they just think women are sluts who can't keep their legs closed. And 3) the biggest beneficiary of abortion has been men. By far. Play all you want, then crush the heads, pull the legs and arms off, suck it into a bucket, and voila! Free to play again with no ties to bind. No responsibility involved.
Well said.