Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I'm Not Sure That Was Better

Well, I did seem to go to sleep last night.  Guess you have to be asleep to have nightmares.  Thumpings and bumpings - somebody's in the house.  Terror - grab for bed gun.  Can't get hold of bed gun.  Blocked by things that in the real world don't actually block.  Need to practice getting to gun (in dream world the thumping and bumping is gone).  Don't be grabbing for loaded gun, so drop the magazine and eject the one in the chamber first.  Except the one in the chamber won't eject, and no matter which hand I use to pull back the slide the chamber opens on the opposite side, so I have trouble seeing if it's clear.  And somehow during all this I manage to break the end of the extended magazine off.

Maybe I just won't bother to go to bed tonight.


  1. You're sure having a time of it. Sorry, ma'am.

    May God grant you restful sleep the next time you lay your head down.

  2. Ouch... I hate those... Mine are usually wrong ammo or the whole gun falls apart...

    1. I had a vague sense that the bullet I was just glimpsing was in backwards...

  3. That's why your dream bedside gun should be a revolver. ;)

    1. Yeah, except my current dream revolver is a .357 and I don't want that level of flash in the dark... But I did think of that as I dragged around today.

  4. I have had such dreams mostly my bullets go about two inches out of the barrel then drops to the ground
